Tiva food is a microfinance services loaning individuals and family’s food at no interest so that no one sleep or go entire day hungry in Africa.

No interest on food loans

All food loans we give our users, we charge no interest if paid in the agreed timeline of 24hrs, 7, 15, 30 days at the time a person requested a loan.

What can we Become?


Tiva food payments enables Africa to start revolutionize their agriculture sector and producing their own food instead of importing $30B of food every year.


Tiva Government payment solution is an opportunity for second revenues stream worth up to $400M/y for Tiva.

Informal Market

As we’re deploying Tiva payments in street shops, markets. We are solving a $1.5T opportunity problem.

Tiva Bank

40% - 60% of Africans expenses is on food consumption; imagine as a nation deposit their food needs money - $531B/y.

Why Choose Tiva

Its easy with us

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Alawys safe

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Trusted by milions

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Learn More about Tiva

Tiva AI technologies when deployed in communities in developing countries empowers these communities to have access to financial tools and resources they need to change the future for themselves and their loved ones to transform the local economies.

What Our Client Says

Tiva is a leading in cutting edge technology to enable anyone to access food in emerging market.